Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leave management System - An Open Source Contribution from Mahiti Infotech Bangalore

Hi All

We have developed an application using Repoze.BFG and KARL as basis. The application, is named as LMS( Leave management System ). We want to contribute this project for Open Source Community. We wish , LMS can act as a reference , for any one who is interested in learning KARL based repoze applications.
Link to download, source code is :

Please feel free to tell us how it is and our lackings if any.

Senior Programmer
Team Lead
Sreekanth S Rameshaiah
Mahiti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
# 33-34, 2nd Floor,
Hennur Cross, Hennur Road,
Bangalore, India - 560043
Phone: +91 80 4115 0580/1

Sunday, February 14, 2010

How to create Workflow for a repoze.BFG application

Let us see , how we can create a workflow for a bfg application.

To add a workflow add a file named at the root of your site. you can name it as you like.
Add methods related to the states and transitions as per your requirement.

For Example, the following files does the work.


from import Allow
from import Deny
from import Everyone
from repoze.bfg.traversal import find_interface
from repoze.bfg.traversal import model_path

from project.security_policies.policy import ADMINISTRATOR_PERMS
from project.security_policies.policy import GUEST_PERMS
from project.security_policies.policy import MODERATOR_PERMS
from project.security_policies.policy import MEMBER_PERMS
from project.security_policies.policy import CREATE
from project.security_policies.policy import NO_INHERIT
from project.security_policies.workflow import postorder
from project.security_policies.workflow import acl_diff
from project.security_policies.workflow import reset_security_workflow

def find_showEvent(context):
return find_interface(context, IshowEvent)

def ts(*args):
return '\t'.join([str(x) for x in args])

# Electors

def not_intranets_containment(context):
return not intranets_containment(context)

def intranets_containment(context):
return False

def private_showEvent_containment(context):
if not_intranets_containment(context):
showEvent = find_showEvent(context)

if showEvent is None:

return False

return getattr(showEvent, 'seproject.security_policies.policycurity_state', None) == 'private'

return False

def public_showEvent_containment(context):
if not_intranets_containment(context):
showEvent = find_showEvent(context)
if showEvent is None:
return False
return getattr(showEvent, 'security_state', None) == 'public'
return False

# Workflow for showEvent

def showEvent_to_private(ob, info):
showEvent = find_showEvent(ob)
acl = []
moderators_group_name = showEvent.moderators_group_name
members_group_name = showEvent.members_group_name
acl.append((Allow, 'group.KarlAdmin', ADMINISTRATOR_PERMS))
acl.append((Allow, moderators_group_name, MODERATOR_PERMS))
acl.append((Allow, members_group_name, MEMBER_PERMS))
msg = None
added, removed = acl_diff(showEvent, acl)
if added or removed:
showEvent.__acl__ = acl
msg = ts('showEvent-private', model_path(showEvent), added, removed)
return msg

def showEvent_to_public(ob, info):
showEvent = find_showEvent(ob)
acl = []
moderators_group_name = showEvent.moderators_group_name
members_group_name = showEvent.members_group_name
acl.append((Allow, 'group.KarlAdmin', ADMINISTRATOR_PERMS))
acl.append((Allow, members_group_name, GUEST_PERMS))
acl.append((Allow, 'group.KarlStaff', GUEST_PERMS))
msg = None
added, removed = acl_diff(showEvent, acl)
if added or removed:
showEvent.__acl__ = acl
msg = ts('showEvent-public', model_path(showEvent), added, removed)
return msg

def showEvent_to_pending(ob, info):
showEvent = find_showEvent(ob)
acl = []
moderators_group_name = showEvent.moderators_group_name
members_group_name = showEvent.members_group_name
acl.append((Allow, 'group.KarlAdmin', ADMINISTRATOR_PERMS))
acl.append((Allow, members_group_name, GUEST_PERMS)) #When the showEvent is pending user cannot delete,create, edit
acl.append((Allow, 'group.KarlStaff', GUEST_PERMS))
msg = None
added, removed = acl_diff(showEvent, acl)
if added or removed:
showEvent.__acl__ = acl
msg = ts('showEvent-pending', model_path(showEvent), added, removed)
return msg

def showEvent_to_rejected(ob,info):
showEvent = find_showEvent(ob)
acl = []
moderators_group_name = showEvent.moderators_group_name
members_group_name = showEvent.members_group_name
acl.append((Allow, 'group.KarlAdmin', ADMINISTRATOR_PERMS))
acl.append((Allow, members_group_name, GUEST_PERMS))
acl.append((Allow, 'group.KarlStaff', GUEST_PERMS))
acl.append(NO_INHERIT) #temp
msg = None
added, removed = acl_diff(showEvent, acl)
if added or removed:
showEvent.__acl__ = acl
msg = ts('showEvent-pending', model_path(showEvent), added, removed)
return msg

In permissions were imported from policy file. Below is the policy file of security_policies of project.


from BTrees.IFBTree import multiunion
from BTrees.IFBTree import IFSet

from import Allow
from import Deny
from import Everyone
from import AllPermissionsList

VIEW = 'view'
EDIT = 'edit'
CREATE = 'create'
DELETE = 'delete'
MODERATE = 'moderate'
ADMINISTER = 'administer'
COMMENT#acl.append((Allow, moderators_group_name, MODERATOR_PERMS)) #Creator or member is the part of default member group = 'comment'


ALL = AllPermissionsList()
NO_INHERIT = (Deny, Everyone, ALL)

Add workflow.zcml and declare the states and transitions as follows.

  • workflow.zcml

< configure xmlns="">
< include package="repoze.workflow" file="meta.zcml">

< workflow type="security"
description="WF for showEvent"

< state name="public" title="Public"

< /state>

< state name="private" title="Private"
< alias name="initial">
< /state>

< state name="pending" title="Pending"ar
< /state>

< state name="rejected" title="Rejected"
< alias name="initial">
< /state>

< transition name="submit"

< transition name="approve"

< transition name="retract"

< transition name="reject"

< transition name="unapprove"


Now register the workflow , by declaring it in configure.zcml file.

  • configure.zcml

<configure xmlns="">

<!-- this must be included for the view declarations to work -->

<include package="repoze.bfg.includes">
<include package="project.security_policies">
<include package="project.views">
<include package="project" file="workflow.zcml">


This way, we were able to create a workflow for our project.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cataloging objects in BFG

Cataloging objects in BFG

One way to catalog the objects in a BFG application is to use subscribers .
The procedure followed to catalog is :
  1. Add a catalog file in the root that has a method to catalog the objects.
  2. In import the catalog method you have written and call it in the appmaker() .
  3. Implement zope events interfaces that you require in (you can use any name)
  4. Then write the functions which you want to execute on firing of above mentioned/decalred events.
  5. Now use subscriber tag in configure.zcml and register the subscriber function to the events declared.

Let us see how we can catalog objects.

Create a python file called in the root. Add a method populate_catalog and place the indexes that are required.

  1. import datetime
  2. import time
  3. from zope.interface import providedBy
  4. from zope.component import queryAdapter
  5. from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  6. from repoze.bfg.traversal import model_path
  7. from repoze.bfg.traversal import find_interface
  8. from repoze.catalog.catalog import Catalog
  9. from repoze.catalog.indexes.field import CatalogFieldIndex
  10. from repoze.catalog.indexes.keyword import CatalogKeywordIndex
  11. from repoze.catalog.indexes.text import CatalogTextIndex
  12. from repoze.catalog.indexes.path import CatalogPathIndex
  13. from repoze.catalog.indexes.path2 import CatalogPathIndex2
  14. from repoze.catalog.document import DocumentMap
  15. from import principals_allowed_by_permission
  16. from leavemnt.interfaces import IRoot
  17. from leavemnt.interfaces import ISearchText
  18. from leavemnt.interfaces import IVirtualData
  19. from leavemnt.interfaces import ILeave
  20. from leavemnt.interfaces import IProfile
  21. from leavemnt.utils import coarse_datetime_repr
  22. from leavemnt.utils import find_users
  23. def get_search_text(object, default):
  24. adapter = queryAdapter(object, ISearchText)
  25. if adapter is None:
  26. return default
  27. return adapter()
  28. def get_creator(object, default):
  29. return getattr(object, 'creator', default)
  30. def _get_date(object, default, name):
  31. date = getattr(object, 'modified', None)
  32. if date is None:
  33. return default
  34. # we can't store datetimes directly in the catalog because they
  35. # can't be compared with anything
  36. timetime = time.mktime(date.timetuple())
  37. # creation "minute" actually to prevent too-granular storage
  38. date = int(str(int(timetime))[:-2])
  39. return date
  40. def get_modified_date(object, default):
  41. return _get_date(object, default, 'modified')
  42. def get_created_date(object, default):
  43. print _get_date(object, default, 'created')
  44. return _get_date(object, default, 'created')
  45. def get_interfaces(object, default):
  46. # we unwind all derived and immediate interfaces using spec.flattened()
  47. # (providedBy would just give us the immediate interfaces)
  48. provided_by = list(providedBy(object))
  49. spec = Declaration(provided_by)
  50. ifaces = list(spec.flattened())
  51. return ifaces
  52. def get_security_state(obj, default):
  53. return getattr(obj, 'security_state', default)
  54. def populate_catalog(site):
  55. catalog = site.catalog = Catalog()
  56. catalog['text'] = CatalogTextIndex(get_search_text)
  57. catalog['interfaces'] = CatalogKeywordIndex(get_interfaces)
  58. catalog['creator'] = CatalogFieldIndex(get_creator)
  59. catalog['modified'] = CatalogFieldIndex(get_modified_date)
  60. catalog['created'] = CatalogFieldIndex(get_created_date)
  61. catalog['security_state']= CatalogFieldIndex(get_security_state)
  62. catalog.document_map = DocumentMap()
  63. def find_catalog(context):
  64. return find_interface(context, IRoot).catalog

  • In
In models , import populate_catalog from the along with the necessary catalog methods from repoze.catalog .
Then in the appmaker function , make a site instance , and pass it as a parameter to the populate_catalog method.

  1. def appmaker(root):
  2. if not root.has_key(SITE_ID):
  3. #site = root['site'] = Site()
  4. site = Site()
  5. root[SITE_ID] = site
  6. ## TODO: cleanup catalog creation.
  7. populate_catalog(site)
  8. leavefolder = LeaveFolder()
  9. site['leavefolder'] = leavefolder
  10. data = DefaultInitialData()
  11. transaction.commit()
  12. return root[SITE_ID]

Then the site will contain the catalog mechanism. For every subsequent creation, modification and deletion there should be a mechanism to update the catalog.

The following code indexes, reindexes and unindexes on corresponding events.

  1. import datetime
  2. from zope.component import queryAdapter
  3. from repoze.bfg.traversal import model_path
  4. from repoze.folder.interfaces import IFolder
  5. from leavemnt.catalog import find_catalog
  6. from leavemnt.interfaces import IMetadata
  7. def postorder(startnode):
  8. def visit(node):
  9. if IFolder.providedBy(node):
  10. for child in node.values():
  11. for result in visit(child):
  12. yield result
  13. yield node
  14. return visit(startnode)
  15. def index_content(object, event):
  16. """ Index content (an IObjectAddedEvent subscriber) """
  17. catalog = find_catalog(object)
  18. if catalog is not None:
  19. for node in postorder(object):
  20. path = model_path(node)
  21. docid = catalog.document_map.add(path)
  22. catalog.index_doc(docid, node)
  23. adapter = queryAdapter(node, IMetadata)
  24. if adapter is not None:
  25. metadata = adapter()
  26. catalog.document_map.add_metadata(docid, metadata)
  27. def unindex_content(object, event):
  28. """ Unindex content (an IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent subscriber) """
  29. catalog = find_catalog(object)
  30. if catalog is not None:
  31. path = model_path(object)
  32. num, docids =
  33. for docid in docids:
  34. catalog.unindex_doc(docid)
  35. catalog.document_map.remove_docid(docid)
  36. def reindex_content(object, event):
  37. """ Reindex a single piece of content (non-recursive); an
  38. IObjectModifed event subscriber """
  39. catalog = find_catalog(object)
  40. if catalog is not None:
  41. path = model_path(object)
  42. docid = catalog.document_map.docid_for_address(path)
  43. catalog.reindex_doc(docid, object)
  44. #catalog.document_map.remove_metadata(docid)
  45. adapter = queryAdapter(object, IMetadata)
  46. if adapter is not None:
  47. metadata = adapter()
  48. catalog.document_map.add_metadata(docid, metadata)

  49. def set_modified(object, event):
  50. """ Set the modified date on a single piece of content
  51. unconditionally (non-recursive); an IObjectModified event
  52. subscriber"""
  53. now =
  54. object.modified = now
  55. def set_created(object, event):
  56. """ Add modified and created attributes to nodes which do not yet
  57. have them (recursively); an IObjectWillBeAddedEvent subscriber"""
  58. now =
  59. for node in postorder(object):
  60. if not getattr(node, 'modified', None):
  61. node.modified = now
  62. if not getattr(node, 'created', None):
  63. node.created = now

When ever the event subscribed in configure.zcml is fired, approriate methods (in is called.

  • configure.zcml
In configure.zcml, make a subscriber tag and define the corresponding handlers, for an event.

  1. name="static"
  2. path="templates/static"
  3. />

  4. for="leavemnt.interfaces.ILeave
  5. repoze.folder.interfaces.IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent"
  6. handler=".subscribers.unindex_content" />

  7. for="leavemnt.interfaces.ILeave
  8. repoze.folder.interfaces.IObjectAddedEvent"
  9. handler=".subscribers.index_content" />

  10. for="leavemnt.interfaces.ILeave
  11. .interfaces.IObjectModifiedEvent"
  12. handler=".subscribers.reindex_content" />

  13. for="*
  14. repoze.folder.interfaces.IObjectWillBeAddedEvent"
  15. handler=".subscribers.set_created" />

  16. for="leavemnt.interfaces.IProfile
  17. repoze.folder.interfaces.IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent"
  18. handler=".subscribers.unindex_content" />

  19. for="leavemnt.interfaces.IProfile
  20. repoze.folder.interfaces.IObjectAddedEvent"
  21. handler=".subscribers.index_content" />

  22. for="leavemnt.interfaces.IProfile
  23. .interfaces.IObjectModifiedEvent"
  24. handler=".subscribers.reindex_content" />

  25. for="*
  26. .interfaces.IObjectModifiedEvent"
  27. handler=".subscribers.set_modified" />

in define the events as required.

  1. from leavemnt.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent
  2. from leavemnt.interfaces import IObjectWillBeModifiedEvent
  3. from zope.interface import implements
  4. class ObjectModifiedEvent(object):
  5. implements(IObjectModifiedEvent)
  6. def __init__(self, object):
  7. print object
  8. self.object = object
  9. class ObjectWillBeModifiedEvent(object):
  10. implements(IObjectWillBeModifiedEvent)
  11. def __init__(self, object):
  12. self.object = object

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How to setup SQLPASPlugin to authenticate against MYSQL database for Plone

How To Setup SQLPASPlugin to Authenticate Against A MYSQL Database

Site Configuration Details:
Here is some information on the site that I set this up on:

* Plone Version: 3.0
* Zope Version: 2.9.3
* Python Version: 2.4.4

Creation of Database:

SQLPASPlugin may be used to authenticate against any SQL Database for which there is a Zope connector available.

* Install MYSQL for the python in Zope Instance.

Installing SQLPASPlugin :

To connect to the MYSQL database, Plone needs to use a database connector object which needs to be installed. To do this, download the latest version of MySQLdb.

* Extract the Archive MySQLdb , and install it at Plone-3.0/Python-2.4.4/lib/python2.4/MySQL-python-1.2.2

* Place this egg( MySQL_python-1.2.2-py2.4-linux-i686.egg ) in Site Pakages.

* Take the MySQL_python.egg-info egg and place it along with the MySQLdb i.e, at Plone-3.0/Python-2.4.4/lib/python2.4/MySQL-python-1.2.2.

* Place SQLPASPlugin in the Products.

* Place ZMySQLDA in the Products.

Restart Zope.

In the ZMI , in the Addable contents , now we can see the ZMySql Database Connection and ZSQL Method.

Setup a connection to a database which is in mysql, using the ZMySql Database Connection.

Add ZSQL Method and use the database.

Now go to the Portal_Quick Installer and install SQLPASPlugin.
And go to the plone_control_panel.
In the Add-on Product Configuration , a link named SQL Authentication will be present. Click on it .
You will be asked to specify the database for authentication. Check the MySQL database connection to setup the SQL Authenication.